Getting a BIOS version of a Dell machine with PowerShell
January 5, 2016
Easy code snippet on how to retrieve the BIOS version with PowerShell. Get-WmiObject win32_bios This will output the BIOS version,…
Ever wanted to know what IP addresses are being used on a particular subnet and what each IP address resolves to which hostname, if any? This script accomplishes just that.
# Continue to run script when an error occurs
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# Process through the loop of IP addresses 1-254
1..254 | foreach -Process `
# We're combining the contents of different objects, so create our own
$obj = New-Object PSObject;
# Perform the Ping using WMI
$ping = get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PingStatus -Filter ("Address='10.10.2." + $_ + "'");
# Put the IP Address into our object
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty IPAddress($ping.Address);
# Take the Ping Status Code that is returned (0 = pingable)
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty StatusCode($ping.StatusCode);
# If we can ping the address, let's try to resolve the hostname
if($ping.StatusCode -eq 0)
# Record that the ping was successful
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Status("Online");
# Try to resolve the IP address to a hostname in DNS
$dns = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($ping.Address);
if($dns -ne $null)
# Add the resolved hostname to our collection
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty ResolvedHostName($dns.HostName);
# Couldn't resolve the IP address to a hostname
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty ResolvedHostName("");
# Can't ping IP address, so mark host as offline
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty ResolvedHostName("");
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Status("Offline");
# Write the collection out
Write-Output $obj;
# Cleanup DNS object
$dns = $null;
I enjoy this site, it is worth me coming back
It is good easy to understand and is working fine .
Good stuff Justin! Very well done!