101 Dumbest Moments in Business
Business 2.0, a publication of CNN has a list of the 101 Dumbest Moments in Business which detail the year’s biggest boors, buffoons, and blunderers. A few of my favorites: #14 – Vonage This is a painful one considering they lost a patent lawsuit to Sprint this week which is going to cost them somewhere in the ballpark of $70 million. #61 – Microsoft Employees Prefer Google An independent study indicates that every 2 out of 3 Microsoft employees actually use Google instead of MSN or Live Search when searching the Internet. #101 – Hasbro Pussycat Dolls Release To compete with Bratz dolls, Hasbro decides that only the only answer to a doll that could complete are replicas of the music group, Pussycat Dolls. Parent complaints; Hasbro thinks twice on the idea. You can find the full list here.
.NET Framework Source Code Available
With the release of Visual Studio 2008 and the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Microsoft will also be releasing the source code for the framework. The initial release will only only the base class libraries, and more classes will be made available in the future. Scott Guthrie, a GM at Microsoft, has posted more details on his blog.
MSDN Nuggets
Don’t have the time to read a 10-page how-to article or watch a full length webcast? Try an MSDN nugget, a webcast that takes you step-by-step to discovering new functionality or exploring a hot developer topic, all in 10-15 minutes. View them online now or download for later reference. Check it out here.
Vista Gadget Development & JavaScript
One of the first things that I noticed when learning how to develop sidebar gadgets was that the code behind them was a combination of HTML and JavaScript. The biggest problem is that it was JavaScript, something that I am not well versed in. I looked through several samples and tried some different samples and pretty much have learned the basics of what I need to know, but some of the commands still require me to reference the web or Google certain topics. I developed a gadget to display specific weather data from my weather station and leveraged what I learned about JavaScript to use XMLHTTP. It worked fine unto a couple days ago when the gadget stopped responding and couldn’t connect to the datasource even though I can do some from a browser. From what I can tell, I must be hitting some sort of connection limit, or I…