
A Messaging Uplift

I’m taking the Microsoft course for upgrading skills from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007 this week.  It’s a three day course with about five days worth of content jammed into it. So far it has been very good.  Lots of major changes in Exchange 2007, particularly around the platform and message routing.  Nonetheless, some very fun stuff too.


Strange Refresh Problems with Vista

I noticed several days ago when I had downloaded a file that it didn’t show up on my desktop where I had saved it.  I thought I maybe inadvertently saved it somewhere else, so I proceeded to download again, selected the Desktop as the save to location, and clicked Save. “Do you want to overwrite the file?”  I thought that was weird.  It’s there, but I can’t see it.  I went back to my desktop, hit F5 and … BAM!  It appeared. So, I did a little searching and found that there is a Vista update for this.  Knowledge Base Article 932406 “The Windows desktop may stop updating correctly after a Windows Vista-based computer has been running for an extended period of time” appeared. Sure, I run my computer for extended periods of time, and my icons are AWOL.  It seems to fit my scenario.  So I downloaded it and…


Date Tracker Sidebar Gadget

I’ve changed my mind and decided that a Date Tracker will be the Vista Sidebar Gadget that will be the subject of my series on gadget development. Yes, again the concept is simple. The goal is show people how simple gadget development can be and encourage others to make their own creations and submit them to the Windows Live Gallery. I have mocked up what the gadget will look like in Photoshop. We will be using a combination of images and HTML for placement based on different parameters. More to come soon!   While writing this, I was listening to “Under Pressure” by David Bowie


Changes to Windows Live Maps

They are doing some cool stuff over at  These changes seem to have went live in the last day or so.  They have simplified the interface and added some new functionality. How about the ability to have a traffic-based route?  Like take me the way the traffic isn’t?  It gives you the route with any notes on congestion or accidents as well as the time to get to the destination figuring any of the obstacles.  Pretty cool.  One feature I heard about in the beta, but doesn’t seem to be in production is intelligent directing options.  These allow you to skip the first few directions that would get you to a certain point.  In other words, I know how to get to the major interstate from my house, so don’t give me directions for that part of the route.  Neat!


Developing Sidebar Gadgets: Part 1 – Introduction

One of the cool new features of Windows Vista, is the Windows Sidebar. The Sidebar is an application that runs as part of the Windows shell on the right portion of the screen. This Sidebar contains different mini web applications known as gadgets. These web applications contain HTML and scripting language either in the form of Javascript or VBScript. A Sidebar gadget may consist of a very simple design and function like displaying the date or time, or may be relatively complex like a stock ticker that has to access the Internet at regular intervals to retrieve stock quote updates. That’s the beauty of a Sidebar gadget, something so simple can wind up being a great gadget idea. Case and point … Christmas happens to be my favorite holiday. Around this time of the year I start to get a little excited as temperatures cool, Fall prepares for Winter and…