
Fixing the MacBook Pro Sleep Problem

One of the things that my MacBook Pro has been plagued with for about the past month is it’s inability to go to sleep and wake back up successfully.  Whenever I would open the lid to wake up the system, the screen would be completely blank, even though you hear the system come back on. I’ve been searching around looking for the solution and haven’t been successfully.  Editing the sleep settings didn’t seem to cure anything.  I was trying to correlate what updates had been installed around the time that the problem started. It seems that the problem started shortly after the Leopard 10.5.2 update.  This update also contained a second update for the graphics driver.  I came across a thread today on the Mac support forum where someone built a rollback package for the graphics driver would took the driver back to the previous version before the graphics update.…


IE 8 Beta 1 Now Available

Internet Explorer Beta 1 is now available for download.  For the first time ever, Microsoft’s IE passes the Acid Test, a test designed to check web standards compliance in browsers.


Another Weathernerd Release

I spent most of last night and today creating a new release for my hobby site,  I don’t work on a particular schedule with this stuff, but when I get sick of a design or think of new things I want to do, I’ll take a couple days and crank something out.  The last design I made was in the Fall, and didn’t have much time to do anything with it the way it was.  Luckily it is pretty self-maintaining with how I built the data feeds, so the care and feeding really was minimal. I wanted to simplify this design.  I used the .NET Framework 3.5, although I didn’t really use any functionality specific to 3.5.  I went back to less graphics, used more CSS, and just tried to make the data readily available and easy to use. The other thing I wanted to do was integrate the…

Development | Social Networking


I’m still trying to understand the premise behind Twitter.  It’s one of those projects that really caught on.  Twitter’s claim to fame is that they offer a way for people all over cyberspace to see what everybody else is up to.  The question is simple: what are you doing right now? You can post a response (known as a “tweet”) to your Twitter page via the Twitter website, instant message, or third-party applications which support the Twitter API.  It seems like such a simple concept that who would really care to use this? You’d be surprised.  Twitter went live in March 2006, and though its tough to find exact numbers around their user base, it grew substantially in the first half of 2007.  But why is it so interesting to hear that “I’m painting my bedroom” or “watching Friends re-runs” and sharing that with the entire world?  Who knows, but…

Mobile Devices | Windows Mobile

First Look: HTC Touch Cruise

I had originally ordered this device back at the beginning of November.  What I found most intriguing when I was looking for a new device was that this device was small, light, and had a GPS on-board. I put in my pre-order and expected it to be in my doorstep the week before Christmas. No such luck. As product release dates slipped, so did my hope of getting my hands on this powerful little device.  About two weeks ago, the shipment date had again slipped to the end of February.  I decided it was time to cancel that order, and put in an order for what I considered to be the next best device: the S730.  From my last post, you now know that I received that device.  The problem was, I received a shipping notice for “my shipment” last Friday.  When I clicked on the link, it took me…