It’s been a while.
Matter of fact, it’s hard to believe that my last post was April 2. That’s over four months ago.
A lot has happened in those four months. Ellie is now 16 months old and has turned into this fabulous little girl with quite the personality, I’ve moved into a different role at Compellent, moved from an iPhone to Android, lost some weight, gained some back, and survived another Minnesota State Fair. The last two might be linked in some fashion.
Nonetheless, I’m going to try to refocus and generate some regular content on my blog. Apparently no guest bloggers stop by in my absence to maintain things, but it stayed up anyway. Oh, I did change the theme. Cause it seems like I needed to do something to make it feel new again. Surprisingly enough for me, my blog is also a little over four years old now. It’s fun to look back on some of things I’ve written back; interesting or otherwise.
So, to my few faithful followers, I’ll try harder. Thanks for hanging around and be sure to leave your comments when you stop by.
Welcome back