PowerShell One-Liner: SC Series storage class and RAID level allocations

By: Justin Braun
Posted on: May 8, 2018

With the PowerShell SDK for Dell EMC SC Series arrays, you can easily retrieve volume information including allocated, free, and used space. But what if you’re looking for RAID allocations on the entire array? Like how much RAID10, RAID5 or RAID6 is allocated across all of your tiers? That’s easy too:

Get-DellScStorageTypeClass -ConnectionName <connectionName> | foreach { Get-DellScStorageTypeClassStorageUsage $_.InstanceId -ConnectionName <connectionName> } | Select AllocatedSpace,FreeSpace,UsedSpace,InstanceName | ft

From these couple handy cmdlets strung together, you’ll get exactly what you’re looking for:


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