Windows Vista Speech Recognition

By: Justin Braun
Posted on: July 29, 2007

I was in Seattle this past week, and I got to thinking about the advancements in speech recognition.  As I was thinking, I started wondering if the speech recognition functionality was any good in Windows Vista.  So I decided to give it a try myself.

Setting up is very easy.  The process is completely wizard driven.  You select the type of microphone that you’re going to use, and follow the directions that are given as you walk through the training process.

The setup and the training take about 15 minutes.  Then you can start using speech recognition to do anything from dictating an email, creating a blog post, or controlling Windows.  It is actually pretty cool!

So, I used Windows Vista speech recognition to create this blog post.  It took me about 10 minutes to do so, but it’s kind of fun to not have to type and just be able to kick back in your chair and relax.

What has been your experience with Windows Vista speech recognition or your favorite speech recognition software?

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