Sirius XM Announces Holiday Music Lineup

By: Justin Braun
Posted on: November 12, 2009

It’s the best time of the year.  Not only do some local radio stations switch over to Christmas music 24 hours a day, but Sirius / XM Radio dedicates five channels of its entire lineup to the holidays.

This year, the chestnutty goodness starts Monday, November 16.  Making the return are:

Holly (Sirius 3 / XM 23): Contemporary favorites with a mix of traditional Christmas music.  Playing November 16 – December 31.

Holiday Traditions (Sirius 4 / XM 4): My favorite.  Traditional Christmas music from the 40s-60s.  Playing November 16 – December 31.

Holiday Pops (Sirius 79 / XM 77): Classical style with choirs, Pavarotti, and more.  Playing December 7 – December 31.

Country Christmas (Sirius 62 / XM 10): Country style from Country starts past and present.  Kenny, Dolly, and the whole gang.  Playing December 7 – December 25.

Radio Hanukkah (Sirius 76 / XM 28): Hanukkah music and special segments celebrating Jewish culture.  Playing December 7 – December 19.

For the Twin Cities locals:

KOOL108 (107.9 FM) goes wall-to-wall Christmas music starting the day after Thanksgiving and running through December 25.

WLTE (102.9 FM) also goes Christmas music wall-to-wall.  They dub themselves “The Christmas Superstation”.  They tend to surprise their listeners by not publishing a date, but I have seen it happen anywhere from November 15th to the day before Thanksgiving.


UPDATE (11/16/09)
WLTE 102.9 FM in the Twin Cities switched over to Christmas music (24/7) at midnight.

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