Sirius XM Announces Holiday Music Lineup

Posted on November 12, 2009

It’s the best time of the year.  Not only do some local radio stations switch over to Christmas music 24 hours a day, but Sirius / XM Radio dedicates five channels of its entire lineup to the holidays.

This year, the chestnutty goodness starts Monday, November 16.  Making the return are:

Holly (Sirius 3 / XM 23): Contemporary favorites with a mix of traditional Christmas music.  Playing November 16 – December 31.

Holiday Traditions (Sirius 4 / XM 4): My favorite.  Traditional Christmas music from the 40s-60s.  Playing November 16 – December 31.

Holiday Pops (Sirius 79 / XM 77): Classical style with choirs, Pavarotti, and more.  Playing December 7 – December 31.

Country Christmas (Sirius 62 / XM 10): Country style from Country starts past and present.  Kenny, Dolly, and the whole gang.  Playing December 7 – December 25.

Radio Hanukkah (Sirius 76 / XM 28): Hanukkah music and special segments celebrating Jewish culture.  Playing December 7 – December 19.

For the Twin Cities locals:

KOOL108 (107.9 FM) goes wall-to-wall Christmas music starting the day after Thanksgiving and running through December 25.

WLTE (102.9 FM) also goes Christmas music wall-to-wall.  They dub themselves “The Christmas Superstation”.  They tend to surprise their listeners by not publishing a date, but I have seen it happen anywhere from November 15th to the day before Thanksgiving.


UPDATE (11/16/09)
WLTE 102.9 FM in the Twin Cities switched over to Christmas music (24/7) at midnight.

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