Fantasy Hockey 2006

By: Justin Braun
Posted on: October 8, 2006

This October marks the fifth season (I believe) of my participation in a fantasy hockey league.

Ever since the return of hockey to Minnesota in 2000, I have become more of a hockey fan.  Growing up, I remember periodically watching the Minnesota North Stars, but that was nothing compared to what I remember since 2000.

So, a group of co-workers and friends have taken part in this fantasy hockey league for a number of years now.  While most of us no longer work with each other, we still come together during the fall and winter to participate in the league.

Now I know that we are only two games into the season, but I have to point out that the Goalieknockers (my team, of course), are in first place.  I know it may not last for long, but after last year’s horribly unthinkable outing, I expected more from myself this year.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress.  But for now, I have this to show for my efforts.

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