Although primarily I’m a PC, I do like to see what options are available outside my virtualized environment and available on the Mac.
Mac has a whole array of blogging applications available with a variety of features, but I’ve never been a fan of any of them. I’ve stayed pretty close to Windows Live Writer and have done most of my blogging from that platform.
That being said, it’s been a couple of months and I thought I’d do a another search for some good blogging tools for the Mac. I came across two of them tonight, one of which I am using for this entry.
First of all is ScribeFire. This is a nice little blogging tool that integrates directly into the Firefox browser. No separate application installation required, just a small plug-in for the browser. Full editor with a lot of the features that most bloggers would be looking for and some pretty darn good user reviews. I used it for a previous post I did on virtualizing Exchange and it worked just fine.
I am kind of the opinion that browser plug-ins can be pretty limited and their stability questionable at times because of dependencies on the browser itself, but ScribeFire seems pretty solid.
Secondly was Blogo. This is a full-blown Mac application with a pretty fantastic GUI; maybe a little overdone. The cool part about this application is it’s ability to microblog, that is, post mini-entries to Twitter. Not only can I do that, but if I create a regular blog posting for my website, it will automatically post a link to my Twitter account so you’re really getting some nice cross-platform interaction.
Part of the problem with the social networking era is that there are a handful of sites that are expecting you to update your “status”, but who really does that? A tool that can do it all at once, whether it be just your blog, or your blog…plus Twitter…plus Facebook. Pretty powerful.
ScribeFire is free which is always nice. Blogo will cost you $25 after the 21-day trial. I’ll let you know how it goes.
What’s your favorite blogging tool?