I spent most of last night and today creating a new release for my hobby site, Weathernerd.com. I don’t work on a particular schedule with this stuff, but when I get sick of a design or think of new things I want to do, I’ll take a couple days and crank something out. The last design I made was in the Fall, and didn’t have much time to do anything with it the way it was. Luckily it is pretty self-maintaining with how I built the data feeds, so the care and feeding really was minimal.
I wanted to simplify this design. I used the .NET Framework 3.5, although I didn’t really use any functionality specific to 3.5. I went back to less graphics, used more CSS, and just tried to make the data readily available and easy to use.
The other thing I wanted to do was integrate the blog into the site to provide the same look and feel, as well navigation. That didn’t go as well as I had planned, but the end result nonetheless satisfies what I was looking for.